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A Few Pictures from Around Palestine
Al Manara Square - The center of Ramallah
Near Al Manara Square
Mural in downtown Ramallah
Yummy green olive pizza and Italian chicken sandwiches
Pronto - The Italian restaurant where I spend entirely too much time
Ziryab coffee house
Palestine's beer, Taybeh. Taste the Revolution.
Snobar outdoor cafe and public pool on a long, lazy summer Sunday
Ramallah at dusk
My friend John's wedding in the Latin Church in Ramallah
A pretty corner in this lovely church
Poster for Circus Behind the Wall
Palestinian Circus School - adult training session
My first Trapeze lesson
Ramallah Cultural Palace
Concert at the French Cultural Center by a mixed Palestinian and international group
There had to be one, right?
Jawwal, Palestine's cell phone company, has a swanky new headquarters
Plaza Mall in Al Bireh just north of Ramallah
Bir Zeit University, the most prestigious university in Palestine, a few miles north of Ramallah
Acqua Viva - A fun park north of Ramallah
The Freedom Theater in Jenin Refugee Camp
Harvesting olives in Salem village, near Nablus
All the land in the photograph (except the most distant mountains) belongs to Salem, but Israeli settlers have built an Israeli-only road as well as an enormous trench through it and taken control of huge areas of it
While shepherds watched their flocks by night...
View of Salem village from the fields
Harvesting those dusty dark lavender fruits